
検索キーワード「conditional formatting in excel」に一致する投稿を表示しています

√無料でダウンロード! excel cell color formula if 554014-Excel formula color cell if text

 Select "Use a formula to determine which cells to format", and enter the following formula =E4="OverDue" Click on the Format button and select your desired formatting Click OK, and then OK once again to return to the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager Click Apply to apply the formatting to your selected range and then click CloseTurn red if E2 cell is smaller than todays date Turn yellow with red outline if E2 cell is equal to todays date Turn clear if E2 cell is bigger than the current date Function CheckColor1 (range) If rangeInteriorColor = RGB (256, 0, 0) Then CheckColor1 = "Stop" ElseIf rangeInteriorColor = RGB (0, 256, 0) Then CheckColor1 = "Go" Else CheckColor1 = "Neither" End If End Function This macro evaluates the RGB values of the colors in a cell, and returns a string based on those values Highlight Cells Referenced In Excel Formulas My Online Training Hub Excel formula color cell if text